Saturday, December 27, 2008

the best gift ever..

Depending on how I look at it,this could have possibly been the best Christmas ever...or the worst. I was perfectly happy with how things turned out. I have my daughter here and that is enough for me. I wasn't expecting to recieve any gifts. Not even from Josh because I couldn't afford to get him anything so we agreed not to gift exchange this year. He got me a few things anyway which secretly made me all gushy and warm inside. I feel bad because I couldn't even repay him with nookie--damn that 6 weeks! Poor Josh lol

The holidays came and went by so fast and now i'm back to my old routine. I sleep when Gabriella sleeps and my day doesn't officially start until 1:00pm. I've watched the first 2 seasons of BIG LOVE on HBO and I was so dissapointed that I finished it too quickly lol I think i'm addicted. If anyone hasn't seen it or heard of it, the show is based on a Polygamist family living in the 'real world' and all the junk they go through. It's funny, racy and something is always going on! I love it! Season 3 starts January 18th and I can't wait. On Demand has become my new best friend =)


Nicole said...

Big Love is FANTASTIC and I'm so excited for it to come back on. We'll have to start a thread on the playgroup to talk about it. Haha. :)

Sara said...

Definitely! I've been telling all my friends about it because there is nobody to discuss it with. I say we start it as soon as the new season starts =)