Tuesday, December 23, 2008


So i've had like no time to update a thing. I have managed to post some pics of my little angel on myspace and facebook but haven't had the time to just sit and write!

These first 2 weeks of motherhood have been amazing! Tiring but amazing lol I see her grow everyday and it makes me kind of sad. Or is it that everything makes me sad nowadays!? I am a big crybaby. I cried because my diaper genie was crammed and I was too tired to change it =( I cried when Gabriella's eye had a little crust on it lol I cry when she cries! I suspect that this is normal..baby blues perhaps?

I love midnight feedings and diaper changes..weird huh. I love everything about her! Whoops i'm about to cry...when will that part go away?

This week visitors have been scarce [thank god!] I was so sick of seeing people EVERY DAY since she's been born. Especially the unnanounced guests eh hem i.e: in-laws. Nothing annoys me more than MIL. I'm sure everyone can relate to that one so I won't even go into the irritating shit she does. Josh acts like he doesn't know his mom bugs me even though it's written allll over my face everytime she speaks. For example, I had a friend over visiting last week for dinner and cooked only enough for us and he just HAD to invite his parents over and got mad when I told him there wasn't enough food! So obviously I was pissed when they showed up and ATE even after I told her that wasn't much and I had a friend over! Sorry friend no food for you...My friend ended up leaving shortly after they arrived and texted me. I wrote back venting my frustrations and 4 years of aggravation his mom has caused and believe it or not I accidently sent the LOOOONG text to Josh! ahhhhhhhhh did that stir the pot or what! We didn't speak for a couple of days...he was angry by what I said about his mom. It was the truth! I couldn't help it. Of course I used my emotions and cried my way out of it. Blamed it on my poor hormones and the fact that I just gave birth...he believed me lol I sorta believed it too haha

Nonetheless, Christmas will be here in 2 days and it doesn't feel so jolly this year. My daughter has been the best gift imaginable and I have my family...BUT it still doesn't feel whole. I miss my mom tremendously and this will be the first x-mas without her..it makes me sad and it also makes me mad that I'm once again dedicating my feelings to her rather than giving my all to my daughter during this time. She's been in the area a few times and no calls or no visits to her new granddaughter..her ONLY grandaughter. It makes me mad!! I wish it didn't but it does. My dad is going to be sappy and depressed again just like Thanksgiving and it makes it awkward to be around...I wish it was different. I hate it when things change =(

anywho, my babe is fussing so i'll leave you to a few pics. This is after her very first REAL bath in her tub. She looks so relaxed in her cute little robe! I could snap a million pictures of her a day. It's unreal!

1 comment:

Pink Haired Momma said...

OMG look at all that hair!!! I bet you has so much heartburn!!! She really is only 2 weeks? She is so pretty and has beautiful big eyes!!! Dont feel bad about the tears. I cried the other day while reading a nursery rhyme book to Amelia!!! LOL